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Are you getting harassing phone calls from debt collectors? Do you think they are misrepresenting the amount due or are they not providing verification of the debt owed after you ask for it? It is important to know your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act so you can protect yourself from unfair debt collection practices.

What is the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act?

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) enacted in 1978, is one of the most important and farthest reaching statutes that govern debt collection agencies. Generally, this act applies only to third-party debt collectors, though in some states, it also applies to original creditors as well. The FDCPA was set up largely to protect debtors and consumers from dishonest debt collectors. Debt collectors cannot harass debtors, lie to them, misrepresent themselves or the debt.
Here is a guide to help you understand what a debt collector legally must do and what they can’t do when trying to collect on a debt.

What a debt collection agency must do:

  • Identify themselves: Agencies must tell you that they are a debt collector and that any information they obtain may be used to help them collect on the debt. In addition, the debt collector must tell you that you have the right to dispute the claim.
  • Supply the name and address of original creditor: The debt collector must inform you where the debt originated and provide contact information for that creditor.
  • Provide verification of the debt: If you demand proof of the debt (generally a receipt or report), the debt collector must provide this verification before continuing attempts to retrieve funds. You must make this request within a month of the original contact from the collection agency.

What a debt collection agency can’t do:

  • Communicate in a harassing manner. There are many different prohibitions on how, when, and how often a debt collector can communicate with consumers. A debt collector cannot:
    • Call the debtor before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.
    • Contact you in a harassing or abusive manner.
    • Call you at your place of employment (after you have told them not to).
    • Contact you, if you have already retained an attorney.
    • They can not use abusive, vulgar or profane language.
    • Misrepresent the debt amount.
    • Misrepresent themselves as a lawyer or law enforcement officer.
    • Contact a third party, outside of your spouse or attorney.
    • Threaten legal action or arrest that is not “actually contemplated.”
  • Report false information. Debt collectors are forbidden from providing false information to credit reporting agencies or other businesses. They also cannot threaten to do so.
  • Broadcast your name. A debt collection agency is also not allowed to publish your name, address, or other personal information on any “bad debt” lists.
  • Contact you after a validation request or refusal to pay. A debt collector is forbidden from calling, writing, or otherwise contacting you if you have disputed or refused to pay the debt. Although legal action can be taken, further contact after refusal is considered harassment. As stated before, if you request validation of the debt, the agency must provide proof before further contact is made.

If the FDCPA is violated, what should I do?
If the act is violated, the debt collector could be held responsible for paying your damages and attorney fees.
If you feel a debt collector has violated the FDCPA, you should consider speaking with an attorney about your situation. Ask a Lawyer today for a quick response.

Medical Supply Depot

Hi, I’m Meir Tsinman, owner of Medical Supply Depot. Established in Brooklyn, NY in 2005, Medical Supply Depot was born out my volunteer EMT service since shortly after 9/11.
One of the first things I noticed after I began my work as an EMT, was that many calls could have been prevented if the patient had had the appropriate medical supplies. When asked why these supplies were lacking, most agreed that there was no efficient and affordable way of getting them.
I also noticed that customer service in this field left a lot to be desired, and that many of the bigger suppliers were not equipped to notice the details of each individual patient’s needs.
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We serve PATIENTS. We help PEOPLE.

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Make yourself comfortable

Feel free to contact us by phone or email with any questions, comments, or concerns, and we’ll do everything we can to personally address your inquiries as quickly as possible. We also have excellent relationships with all of our manufacturers, so we can get matters resolved quickly. We pride ourselves on our customer service, and your satisfaction is our top priority.

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The US security systems industry has a long and interesting history going back to the mid-1800’s. And the name of the largest US security systems company, ADT, actually stands for American District Telegraph. Yup, the basic technologies, and even some of the players, have been around for a long time. But until the past few years, home security systems services were provided for the most part by companies that specialized in electronic security. That’s no longer the case: now there are new kids on the block!
New Entrants
For a variety of reasons, the home security systems industry has seen a rash of new entrants over the past several years. Some of these recent additions to our sector include telephone companies, cable companies, and a bewildering array of small start-up technology companies. Here’s a partial list of what is attracting them to home security systems:

  • Recurring revenues from monthly fees are predictable, and subject a company to much less cyclicality than other business models.
  • Declines in other types of business (such as the cable industry’s ongoing loss of subscribers) have caused these companies to search for new areas where they can play.
  • Penetration of the US market for home security systems is still under 30% of homes – so there is lots of room for growth.
  • Security systems technology has evolved to the point where the systems do a lot more, increasing the potential of the market.

Focus on Expanded Services
Perhaps the biggest driver for all this new competition is that the systems themselves do, in fact, provide a lot more functionality today. The expansion includes interactive monitoring, smart video services, and even home automation features (such as remote control of lights, locks, and thermostats). That connectivity that is facilitated by highly-intuitive apps. And now that so many people have smart phones, the homeowner with one of these systems can feel not just protected – but also connected.
Security is Still at the Heart
But the fact remains that at the heart of these smarter, expanded offerings lies a basic need: peace of mind. In fact, numerous surveys performed by players from the security systems industry (and even some outside it) have demonstrated that homeowners view the protection of the home and family as job #1, and the other features as the icing on the cake. In fact, a telling recent quote from an article in an security systems industry publication says it very well:
Consumers today have an expectation that the system they install in their homes can be remotely managed with a smartphone or tablet, and also have the ability to easily interface with other devices and appliances within their residence. At the core of this technology revolution, security remains one of the cornerstones upon which the larger smart home industry has been built.
That makes the point: it all starts with peace of mind.
Good Service Really Matters
Another issue that has arisen with the new entrants is the level of service that the homeowner can expect. Some of these companies now selling home security systems as part of a broader service offering are in truth the poster children for just how bad service can be: among them, notably, are several of the largest cable providers. It’s a well-documented fact that consumers are less than satisfied with their cable company: and if you can’t get good service when it comes to home entertainment, you do really want to trust the protection of your home and family to that same company? That is why those companies are having a tougher time attracting security systems customers than they expected.
Shop for the Best Service
So, read those review, and do your research on-line to find the best security systems company to meet your needs. The good ones are offering the latest technology, so you won’t need to worry about whether you are getting an integrated solution that does it all – but you’ll also be getting the level of service that you expect – and deserve.
Check Frontpoint for more information today.