There is a hype in the market about a new product called the CB Passive Income. If you are planning on buying this product but wondering about the legitimacy of your choice, you have managed to come to the right place as we have examined this product for you and provided a comprehensive review discussing each one of the factors associated with CB passive income. Go through the sections discussed below to know more in this regard.
Official Site: http://cbpassiveincome.com
CB Passive Income – A few details
CB Passive income may be referred to as a comprehensive system designed to help you understand different options when it comes to making money online. Affiliate marketing is the concept or idea behind the foundation of this program. There are different trainers who provide different details associated with affiliate marketing to help you establish a source of income with countless potential for growth. Making money on the internet is no child’s play and that’s the reason why only a very few number of people are actually doing it. Therefore, you need to keep in mind that making the right decisions is the key to being able to earn online.
CB Passive is available in the market for a very reasonable price of 47 USD. Paying this sum secures you the program’s initial membership that provides you access to numerous training videos covering the subject of how to make money on the internet through affiliate marketing. All these video lectures are delivered by highly experienced professionals who have been associated with this field for several years. By going through these training videos, you become capable of setting up your own business running on the concept of affiliate marketing.
Normally, it is pretty hard to research the market on your own while looking for helpful information that may actually be used to achieve something real. The case with researching affiliate marketing by yourself is pretty much the very same. But when you get your hands on the CB passive income system, you get immediate access to the most useful and current information on the field of affiliate marketing. In simpler words, the program requires you to pay an amount of 47 USD to get access to refined information on how to be able to generate a passive stream of steady income by putting your efforts into affiliate marketing.
Basic features offered by the product
An overview of some of the most prominent deliverables offered by CB Passive Income is given below. There features are accessible to the basic members of the program when they pay the defined subscription fee.
Basic member training
As mentioned in the sections above, CB Passive Income basically comprises of different guides on how you might be able to make handsome money using affiliate marketing. The basic member training in this regard comprises of a 2 step procedure.
Step 1: Setting up your promotional secret webpage
The first step of the membership training program deals with setting up your own secret promotional webpage. The basic users are given their own link which is used for promoting another product of Patric Chan, the developer of CB Passive Income. This step is termed as the Operation Quick Money. After a user carries out some effort for promoting the provided link, they are taken to a squeeze or landing page. During this process, the system gets email addresses from potential traffic that visited Patrick Chan’s products through your channel. For each email, you start receiving money in your account with the passage of time. While at the same time, you get to learn the basics involved in the process of how to promote a business.
Step 2: Promotion of webpages
The second step included in the member training program tells you how to use different platforms like social media websites for exposing your message to the maximum audience. The program discusses various techniques on how you might be able to do it smartly and effectively. The first one in this regard is associated with using Solo ads for the purpose. Solo ads are generally used by most of the marketing experts on the internet when they are willing to promote mailing lists regarding various online niches. If you are interested in targeting a specific audience or a certain community of users, solo ads and mailing lists come in very handy. Keeping that in view, solo ads are considered a highly effective marketing technique since they aid you in achieving a big chunk of clients. The training program offered by CB Passive Income provides a great learning opportunity by telling you all the details regarding the use of solo ads.
Ordinarily, solo ads cost you a lot of money which might eventually go to loss if and when you don’t make the right use of it. But with CB Passive Income as your mentor, the success rate gets very high. Patrick Chan has shown particular interest in devising an effective strategy for solo ads so that the trainees might be able to make the most out of their experience without having to lose any hard earned money in the process.
One other technique included in the CB Passive Income training program is the promotion of different webpages while using the most effective tool of the present day, social media itself. This part of the training focuses upon how you might be able to use social media websites including Twitter, Google Plus and Facebook for promoting your web pages the best possible way. Being a part of this training educates you how to let go of the traditional methods of social media promotion and opt to the most effective strategies.
Benefits associated with CB Passive Income
For promotional purposes, the CB Passive Income team is treating its new users with some incentives in the form of two different upgrades which are mentioned below.
- The pro version of CB Passive Income (a one time fee of 97 USD)
- Fast cash series (monthly subscription of 49 USD)
CB Passive Income’s Pro Version
In addition to the basic membership, CB Passive Income also offers a pro version that incorporates a whole lot of powerful features. It may be thought of as the basic membership but with lots of additional access to powerful promotional and improvement techniques for your affiliate marketing web pages.
Fast Cash Series
If you have been involved with web design and affiliate marketing for a while now, there is a good chance you might have familiarized yourself with word press premium themes and how they are being used for making good money. Word press also makes use of different plugins to achieve the same thing and it comes in very handy to learn all the useful details regarding these themes as well as plugins. CB Passive Income provides all the details on the development of premium themes and plugins along with how you might be able to turn those things into your own cash cows. The training program explains everything from scratch to help you understand and use this type of development for your own advantage.
Some of the most notable pros and cons associated with the CB Passive Income program are listed below in order to give you a generic overview on the product:
- Comprehensive guide on affiliate marketing
- Easy to understand
- Provides a taste of practical experience
- Discusses various affiliate marketing techniques
- Takes up a lot of time to cover all the guides included in the program
Looking for your big break in affiliate marketing? Sign up for your basic membership for CB Passive Income today to learn practical money making techniques in this regard.